He Listened.
Last month got me good in the Mom guilt department. One of my little guys was home sick for a while. Depleted, frustrated, sad at the state of the world in general, yet grateful for feeling all these things in a safe home, I walked out the door to do a few laps around the house (sick kid = tight leash). I needed fresh air and a quiet mind.
I called my Dad for advice on how else we could care for our little guy. The conversation with my Dad quickly went into a tear-filled vent of everything I felt at that moment. He did what he has done for me countless times before.
He listened.
I remember the exact tree I was standing by when the first wave of relief hit me. I felt lighter than I had in days.. just because someone took the time to listen, hear me without judgment, and didn’t try to fix anything for me.
I let him know how something had already shifted and thanked him. I don’t know if he realized its impact on me, but it was a big one. It’s something all of us want.. to be heard.
Think about the last time someone really listened to you. Did you feel a shift in any way?
I have a challenge. Next time you are feeling stuck with your kiddo or another adult, try to listen to them without thinking about what you should say or do next. If you have to count in your head for ten seconds to help bite your tongue, go for it.
Make eye contact, kneel if it’s your little one, and listen. Depending on the topic, you may want to try and validate whatever it is they are telling you or trying to tell you by repeating it back to them, especially if you have toddlers or preschool-aged children. Look for the shift in their body… it could be a sigh or relief, lowering of their shoulders, etc.
Thanks for listening (Dad), and reading, friends.
Dream big - Sleep well,